Commences its service on the iPad- visual and auditory learning and sharing of progress A visual educational platform designed for use in educational institutions and corporate training.
Minato-Ku Tokyo, Japan- Representative Director of Castalia. Co. Ltd., Satoshi Yamawaki introduces the social learning service/platform Schooly (skool-lee).
Based on iUniv (ahy-yoo-nuh-v, a social learning service/platform, Schooly is specially reformed for intra-use within educational institutions and corporates. Carrying iUniv functions to access visual and auditory contents, Schooly is a web application loaded with additional features useful for organization in learning and management of its history, such as the Fusen™ (patented) for the tutor and the learner. To add, it is constructed in HTML5 + Javascript to operate on the iPad, the tablet most likely to be adopted in the educational arena.
Presently, the alpha version is used experimentally in partnered educational institutions.
iUniv supplemented with learning history managing functions to provide beneficial use for the Instructor/tutor and learner.
The tutor can monitor learners' learning history and their evaluations, collectively under the instructor section. Additionally, new and existing visual and auditory content may be uploaded on the media server freely, to be integrated as part of the course. In a sense, digital teaching material may be remixed into education.
Utilizing iPad's qualities as a visual learning tool, learners can cherish social learning, share information in any location they desire, all of which are benefits of the iUniv. They may also refer to lessons and personal progress, compiled under the history managing function.
Lectures may be recorded and released internally for students (faculty, classes and such segmentation) which can be referred to as a supplementary in the case of universities. Corporates can implement schooly as a intelligence tool in sharing of information. Precisely, to train distant employees, as a learning tool for MR of medical fields, insurance sales record presentation, role-playing sessions in service industries and the like.
■About iUniv
iUniv is a service and platform that formulates social learning by using over 67,000 visual and auditory content (as of December 2010) provided online by institutions such as universities and other organizations. Based on the social learning method, it suggests self-learners' to share knowledge with their fellow users.
iUniv aims to make self-learning accessible. To provide effortless use while on the move or in one's spare time, it has employed the iPhone and iPad, two of the most popular digital devices. By this, one can simply refer to their history for efficacious study or look in to other users' Fusen™ or history for new findings- the iUniv experience, at its best.
For further details:
■About Fusen™
A function that vests the tagging of digital stickies for a designated time frame on visual and auditory content (patented). Users may look back to their personal markings for "reflective study," and save time. Additionally, one may seek information in another users' sticky, and may also inform them in return, which ultimately shelters exchange between the knowledgeable of various genres on the network- a social learning. Moreover, it endorses self-learning on iUniv, which will provide access through Smartphones such as the iPhone and Android in desired settings and time.
Castalia Co. Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan)
Founded by Representative Director, Satoshi Yamawaki. Based on "Mobile & Social," Castalia produces educational digital content solutions, and Media management for learning. Interposing digital content distributor and end user, Castalia's initiates "learning social." Castalia also manages Appetizer Japan (, Japan's alpha smartphone website and think tank that embraces "media activism."
*1 Accessible through most mobile, and many of the latest web browsers, it can possess functions alike applications conjoint with Javascript. schooly also plans to serve for tablets laden with the Android OS in the future.
*iPad, iPhone, Android OS are registered trademarks of their respective holders.
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