Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan: Castalia Co. Ltd. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan / Representative Director: Satoshi Yamawaki), known with its social learning platform "iUniv" (pronounced 'ahy-yoo-nuh-v') is pleased to announce the launch of our new service, "Social Yobico" (http://yobi.co).
Social Yobico is an online preparatory school where people who aspire to pass the university entrance examinations interact on the Web to study together. It offers video curriculum presented by university examination preparatory schools on iUniv, Castalia's social learning platform, for free. For six months ending March 2012, we will test demonstrate the effectiveness of social learning in which users share the posts tagged on lecture videos.
Upon launch, the service offers a total of 17 hours of lecture that consist of 5 courses and 48 videos. By end of March 2012, we are going to enhance the content with more courses, making the total more than 200 videos or 100 hours.
[The three special features of Social Yobico]
1. Attend a course anywhere, anytime.
Among lecture videos of experienced preparatory school teachers specialized for entrance examination studies, you can freely choose the courses to your interest. The service is compatible with mobile devices so you can study whenever and wherever, even for a short time.
(*Compatible with iOS and available for use on iPhone and iPad)
2. Post what you have discovered from the lecture. You don't have to prepare for the entrance examination all by yourself.
By leaving a Fusen™ on your designated time frame of the lecture video, you can share your discoveries and understandings of the lectures with other users. You can also refer to your learning history on your personal page. (Note: You will have to create an account on iUniv.)
3. Everything is offered for free. Feel free to study as much as you wish.
Lecture videos are made by the teachers who actually teach at preparatory schools. The writings on the blackboard and the teachers' voices are exactly the same as the actual lectures. We also plan to make the system to facilitate your learning experiences, such as providing preparatory explanations and questions to the users by the teachers before they give lectures on the video. (Note: You will have to create an account on iUniv.)
■About iUniv
iUniv is a social learning platform that utilizes over 71,000 visual and auditory educational contents (as of October 2011) provided online by institutions such as universities. It offers a social learning method based on mutual utilization of knowledge generated by learning experiences between the users. iUniv aims to make the individuals' autonomous learning accessible. By using iPhones/iPads, the two leading digital devices, iUniv enables an effortless usage on the move and in one's spare time. Furthermore, users can efficiently gain experiences unique to iUniv, such as reviewing their own learning history and make new learning discoveries by referring to other users' Fusen™ and learning histories.
For further details, please refer to our news release:
■About Castalia Co. Ltd.
Castalia Co. Ltd. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan / Representative Director: Satoshi Yamawaki) produces educational digital content solutions and operates web media for learning, under the concept of "Mobile & Social". Castalia offers a new and educational communication channel between content-providing corporations/educational institutes and individuals, contributing in further enhancing their significance.
【For more information and interview requests, please contact : Castalia Co., Ltd.】
Email: info [AT] castalia.co.jp (When you contact us, convert [AT] into at sign.)
Social Yobico is an online preparatory school where people who aspire to pass the university entrance examinations interact on the Web to study together. It offers video curriculum presented by university examination preparatory schools on iUniv, Castalia's social learning platform, for free. For six months ending March 2012, we will test demonstrate the effectiveness of social learning in which users share the posts tagged on lecture videos.
Upon launch, the service offers a total of 17 hours of lecture that consist of 5 courses and 48 videos. By end of March 2012, we are going to enhance the content with more courses, making the total more than 200 videos or 100 hours.
[The three special features of Social Yobico]
1. Attend a course anywhere, anytime.
Among lecture videos of experienced preparatory school teachers specialized for entrance examination studies, you can freely choose the courses to your interest. The service is compatible with mobile devices so you can study whenever and wherever, even for a short time.
(*Compatible with iOS and available for use on iPhone and iPad)
2. Post what you have discovered from the lecture. You don't have to prepare for the entrance examination all by yourself.
By leaving a Fusen™ on your designated time frame of the lecture video, you can share your discoveries and understandings of the lectures with other users. You can also refer to your learning history on your personal page. (Note: You will have to create an account on iUniv.)
3. Everything is offered for free. Feel free to study as much as you wish.
Lecture videos are made by the teachers who actually teach at preparatory schools. The writings on the blackboard and the teachers' voices are exactly the same as the actual lectures. We also plan to make the system to facilitate your learning experiences, such as providing preparatory explanations and questions to the users by the teachers before they give lectures on the video. (Note: You will have to create an account on iUniv.)
■About iUniv
iUniv is a social learning platform that utilizes over 71,000 visual and auditory educational contents (as of October 2011) provided online by institutions such as universities. It offers a social learning method based on mutual utilization of knowledge generated by learning experiences between the users. iUniv aims to make the individuals' autonomous learning accessible. By using iPhones/iPads, the two leading digital devices, iUniv enables an effortless usage on the move and in one's spare time. Furthermore, users can efficiently gain experiences unique to iUniv, such as reviewing their own learning history and make new learning discoveries by referring to other users' Fusen™ and learning histories.
For further details, please refer to our news release:
■About Castalia Co. Ltd.
Castalia Co. Ltd. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan / Representative Director: Satoshi Yamawaki) produces educational digital content solutions and operates web media for learning, under the concept of "Mobile & Social". Castalia offers a new and educational communication channel between content-providing corporations/educational institutes and individuals, contributing in further enhancing their significance.
【For more information and interview requests, please contact : Castalia Co., Ltd.】
Email: info [AT] castalia.co.jp (When you contact us, convert [AT] into at sign.)