Digital Kindergarten Project NASE Featured At Leveraging Learning 2012, An International Educational Conference Held In United States

Introducing the mobile management system and the iPad-based experimental study at Saku Kindergarten

Shingakukai Educational Corporation (Head Office: Nagano, Japan / President: Masaaki Ichikawa / hereinafter "Shingakukai") and Castalia Co. Ltd. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan, CEO: Satoshi Yamawaki / hereinafter "Castalia") made a presentation regarding NASE (NAgano Super Education), our joint digital kindergarten project implemented at Saku Kindergarten (Saku-shi, Nagano Prefecture), at Leveraging Learning 2012 (hereinafter "LL2012") an international conference on the utilization of digital tablet devices in early childhood education, held at Auburn, Maine, United States.


Leveraging Learning 2012

LL 2012, organized by Auburn School Department and sponsored by companies such as Apple, is a conference at which educational institutes, researchers, and companies report the educational effectiveness and efficiency of mobile devices, such as iPads, in early childhood education. Digital-based math education promoted by Chicago Board of Education, as well as the local case studies in Auburn, were among the presentations.
The city of Auburn is the pioneer in the utilization of tablet devices in early childhood education; ahead of the rest of the world, its School Department distributes iPads to every kindergarten in the city to implement a non-temporary, year-round, tablet-based educational program.
Shingakukai and Castalia visited Auburn in April this year. We visited kindergartens in the cities and met with its School Department, and confirmed that we would leverage their approach in NASE, and that we would actively interact with them in the future.
Shingakukai and Castalia were the only ones outside the continental United States that were invited for presentation at LL2012. Masaki Kuribayashi (Head of Preschool Education Division, Shingakukai), Satoshi Yamawaki (CEO, Castalia) and Yasutaka Kageyama (Chief Creative Director, Castalia) made a joint presentation featuring the six-month results of NASE, approaches in this experimental study, and the potentials of its educational effects.


NASE Project
NASE (NAgano Super Education) is an ongoing joint project of Shingakukai and Castalia, implemented at Shingakukai's Saku Kindergarten in Saku-shi, Nagano Prefecture. By using digital contents and clouds in all phases of education from kindergartens to preparatory schools under the wings of Shingakukai, one of Japan's largest educational conglomerates, we aim to implement mobile and tablet learning systems in all phases of education, in order to digitalize educational systems as well as to enhance the effects of learning.


About Shingakukai
Shingakukai (Head office: Nagano, Japan / President: Masaaki Ichikawa) is an educational corporation based in Nagano Prefecture. Founded in 1953, it is one of Japan's largest educational conglomerates besides universities today, with approximately 800 teachers and 16,000 infants, pupils, and students in the entire group. Shingakukai offers a wide variety of educational enterprises under its wings, including Saku Chosei Junior And Senior High School, which is renowned for its achievements in Ekiden (relay race) and high school baseball, as well as 20 kindergartens/nursery schools and 3 preparatory schools to mention some.


【Contact for further inquiries】
Masaki Kuribayashi
Sectional Chief
Childhood Education Section #2
Department Of Education Promotion
1003 Minami-Agatamachi
Nagano, Nagano 380-0836 Japan
E-mail: m_kuribayashi [at]
(Please change the [at] to @ upon sending the email.)
Atsushi Inutsuka
Project Manager, NASE Project
Castalia Co. Ltd.
6th Floor, DF Building
2-2-8 Minami-Aoyama
Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062 Japan
E-Mail: atsushi [at]
(Please change the [at] to @ upon sending the email.)


■About Castalia Co. Ltd.
Castalia Co. Ltd. (Head Office: Tokyo, Japan / CEO: Satoshi Yamawaki) produces educational digital content solutions and operates web media for learning, under the concept of "Mobile & Social". Castalia offers a new and educational communication channel between content-providing corporations/educational institutes and individuals, contributing to the further enhancement of their significance.
[Note] "iPad", "iPhone", "Android OS" and other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.