Castalia Seminar Event: State-of-the-art "deep learning". Debriefing session of Deep Learning Summer School 2015

Castalia will be holding a seminar event on deep leaning, one of many kinds of machine learning. One of our research members, who attended Deep Learning Summer School 2015 held in August 2015 at Montreal, Canada, as a sole attendee from Japan, will have a talk about what he saw in a latest study and future of deep learning, and how Castalia can adopt the technology in educational field.

Presenter: Makoto Otsuka, Ph.D. (Castalia Research Member)
Graduated UCLA. Studied at NAIST, OIST, and IBM Research - Tokyo. Currently working as a freelance researcher. Specializing in deep learning and sequential decision making.


◼︎About Deep Learning Summer School 2015

主催者はニューラルネットワークの黎明期から始めて現在もなお精力的にフィールドを引っ張るモントリオール大学教授のYoshua Bengio、Hintonの弟子で同じくモントリオール大学の教授であるRoland Memisevic、Convolutional Neural Networkの生みの親であり、現Facebook AI ResearchのディレクターでもあるYann LeCunというこの分野における世界的権威が務めました。


◼︎Registration URL
About the event
Date: 9/15 2015 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Address: Shibaura 1-13-10 9FL Seminar Room
We will have after party.
Quota: 40
Fee: Free of charge
Qualification: This seminar is not for beginners, so we'll limit the attendees to ones with intermediate or above level of machine learning study. We'll put higher priorities on those who are studying or researching machine learning, or using machine learning on the job.