Maximizing the invigoration of learning experiences by combining real-time and on-demand learning styles
Castalia Co., Ltd will release Goocus Ver. 4.0 in April 2021, a new version of our mobile learning platform Goocus enhanced with a wide array of new functions. Goocus Ver. 4.0 will combine real-time and on-demand learning styles to maximize the invigoration of online learning experiences, perfectly catering to the new learning style in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Feature 1: Appeal to real-time capability; coordination with Zoom, Slack, etc.
As we proceeded with the development of the system under the theme of “maximizing the invigoration of online learning experiences”, we figured out that if we could combine the digital learning tools that are currently segmented in “real-time” and “on-demand” types, students could continue learning in a stress-free environment.
To realize this, Goocus Ver. 4.0 features a newly added “scheduling function” that allows access to Web conference systems such as Zoom and Teams. And by retrieving links on a per-content basis and enabling transitions from external chat services, different digital tools, real-time and on-demand alike, are aligned and connected as one.
Feature 2: Circulation of learning data: Automated issuance of certification, enhancement of learning analytics, etc.
The new version of Goocus will be equipped with the automated issuance system of course certificate, enhanced learning analytics, and a drastically renewed design. With a setting, course certifications can be issued on an automated basis; issuance of digital badges visualizes the learner’s learning history. This allows the internal and external circulation of the skills. In addition, the learning analytics, an analytic function that shows the learning status with graphs and charts, will be more user-friendly to understand the learning trend.
[Main new features]
- Coordination with online meeting and chatting services (Zoom, Slack, etc.)
More real-time videos and text chats are used in training and educational scenes. This new real-time capability supplements Goocus, which originally has an on-demand nature. - Automated issuance of course certificates, completion certificates, enhancement of digital badges
- Coordination with calendar apps by using the scheduling function
- Single sign-on
- Renewed learning analytics graph
Goocus is a mobile learning platform developed by Castalia. Setting the "continuity of learning" based on smartphones as the principal axis of development, the system pursues "social learning", the "visualization of learning experiences", and "gamification" in search of the ways to make learning an everyday act.