The partnership between Castalia Co., Ltd. and Advanced Ideas Co., Ltd., a company in Saudi Arabia, which aims on the promotion of programming (code) education for Saudi students, was featured at the “MoU Signing Ceremony”, a business forum ceremony session held December 16, 2020.
On December 16, 2020, “Saudi-Japan Vision 2030 Business Forum” was held online by Ministry of Investment of Saudi Arabia (MISA), Saudi-Japan Vision Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East (JCCME), and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). At the forum, following speeches by H.E. Eng. Khalid Al-Falih of MISA and METI Minister Kajiyama, tourism industry and innovation/startup businesses that draw attention in both countries. Presentations and discussions by people engaged in Saudi-Japan projects helped the participants further enhancing their ties.
In addition, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the joint project between Advanced Ideas and Castalia was introduced at the MoU signing ceremony held as part of the program.
The project, supported by the Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East, provides code education to Saudi elementary students and employs Saudi women as instructors to contribute to gender equality in employment.
[Saudi-Japan Vision 2030]
The concept of Saudi-Japan Vision 2030 aims to further develop the strategic partnership between Saudi Arabia and Japan from the oil provider-consumer relationship, and generate economic and future prosperity of both countries by combining two national strategies, namely Japan’s growth strategy and Saudi Arabia’s “Vision 2030”. Castalia participates in this project to contribute to the growth of the two countries as well as to promote code education in Saudi Arabia.
[Advanced Ideas]
Advanced Ideas, based in Saudi Arabia, provides consulting in the educational and human development sectors, as well as engineering operations. They have advantages in providing technology and their wide array of business offers digital educational materials on multiple platforms, software development, and hardware design and development to name a few. They are also active outside Saudi Arabia, not only in Middle Eastern countries such as United Arab Emiratees, Lebanon and Jordan, but also in France, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, through cooperation with partner companies.